• Inquiry about shipping rates

    Please select your transportation type

    Dear Shipper
    Once you have submitted the form, in less than 24 hours a Freight Finder team member will get back to you with carriage rate. Please contact our 24-hour support team if you have any questions.

    .لطفا فیلد های مشخص شده را پر کنید

    Inquiry about international air freight rates

    Freight Finder International Shipping, with the benefit of reputable representatives in cities and countries around the world, strives to provide a variety of shipping services, including refrigerated, 20-foot, 40-foot, bulk and retail containers at a competitive price. Give. China (Shanghai, Shenzhen), Oman (Sohar, Suwayq), UAE, Dubai (Jabal Ali), Qatar (Hamad), Canada (Toronto, Vancouver), Italy, Germany, Turkey (Mersin, Istanbul, Iskenderun), Russia (Astrakhan) ) And India are among the most important countries covered by our shipping services. International shipping insurance, freight clearance and tracking of goods along the way are other maritime transport services by "Fair Finder".


    برای ادامه عملیات نیاز به ثبت نام در وبسایت دارید. در صورت تمایل به ادامه تایید را بزنید


    شماره تماسی که وارد کردید 09109216402 می باشد.
    در صورت صحیح بودن شماره تماس، روی ارسال کلیک کنید.


    شماره تماس جدید را وارد کنید


    The rate you want was not found, our colleagues will contact you in a few minutes to advise the rate


    0 نرخ مورد نظر یافت نشد، تیم عملیات کمتر از ۲۴ ساعت دیگر با شما تماس گرفته و نرخ را اعلام میکنند.


    The rate you want was not found, our colleagues will contact you in a few minutes to advise the rate